NorCal Incident Reporting


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Type of Incident:Ética
Date of Incident:2018-08-02
Time of Incident:12:05:00
Location of Incident:san francisco
Home Team:2006 Boys
Visiting Team:sf glens evolution
Age Group and Gender:U13B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:2006 Boys
Incident Summary:It is a violation of NorCal rules to have a player with 1 club play or train with another while signed with another club without the permission of the club with whom the player is signed. As it appears there may have been a mistake regarding the status of the player here, the Glens coach, Steve Sosa, in accordance with PAD precedent is suspended for 2 of the 06B NorCal matches.
Comments:As it appears there may have been a mistake regarding the status of the player here, the Glens coach, Steve Sosa, in accordance with PAD precedent is suspended for 2 of the 06B NorCal matches.