NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Fields
Date of Incident:2021-08-28
Time of Incident:09:15:00
Location of Incident:Marlin Park, Redwood City
Home Team:Juventus
Visiting Team:Force North 13G
Age Group and Gender:U09G
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Force North 13G
Incident Summary:Allegation that Force North is using fields in Redwood City in violation of a previous PAD ruling.
Further allegation that former Juventus coaches now coaching at Force North are coaching players they coached at Juventus at Force North.
Comments:This field portion of this incident was referred to the Executive Committee of the NorCal Premier Board of Directors.
With respect to the recruiting issue Hugo Perez JR, Sal Godinez, and Mia Lomas are all suspended for 1 year from all NorCal Premier Soccer League competitions until October 13, 2022.
Shawn Blakeman recused himself from consideration of this Incident.
On appeal to the NorCal Board of Directors the suspensions of Hugo Perez JR, Sal Godinez, and Mia Lomas were lifted upon the board's consideration of additional evidence not provided to the PAD Committee.