NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2022-11-13
Time of Incident:08:30:00
Location of Incident:Fair Oaks Park soccer field
Home Team:Sunnyvale Alliance 07G White
Visiting Team:San Jose Rush 07G Blue
Age Group and Gender:U14G
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:San Jose Rush 07G Blue
Incident Summary:Allegation that the Rush coach was suspended but attended the game and was providing coaching advice over the phone during the game and then coached the team at halftime.
Comments:Coaches that are suspended are not allowed to coach while suspended via phone or in person. Coach Luis Rodriguez is suspended 2 additional games for coaching while suspended and this game does not count against his previous suspension.
Coach Bala Murugan is suspended 2 games for failing to model and teach good sporting behavior by collaborating with Coach Rodriguez to enable coach Rodriguez to violate his suspension.