NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Fields
Date of Incident:2022-08-15
Time of Incident:12:00:00
Location of Incident:Los Gatos High School
Home Team:Bay Area Surf '06 Boys NPL
Visiting Team:San Francisco Glens '06 Boys NPL
Age Group and Gender:U17B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Bay Area Surf '06 Boys NPL
Incident Summary:Allegation concerning the scheduling of 4 Bay Area Surf home games in Los Gatos. The Member Affiliation Agreement entered into by Bay Area Surf with NorCal does not permit Bay Area Surf to use fields in Los Gatos.
Comments:As Bay Area Surf has no right to host games in Los Gatos, all Bay Area Surf hosted games scheduled in Los Gatos must be moved to fields Bay Area Surf is permitted use under its Affiliation Letter.