NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Game Protest/Forfeit
Date of Incident:2021-07-31
Time of Incident:01:20:00
Location of Incident:Alden E Oliver Sports park field 1
Visiting Team:u14b Premier
Age Group and Gender:U14B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:u14b Premier
Incident Summary:A Union City player punched an AFC player from behind after the Union City player was fouled in the box. The referee crew did not punish the player as the center referee and AR1 did not see the incident and the center referee and AR1 did not ask AR2 if he had seen the incident.
Comments:This kind of incident occurs too often with Union City Premier. The PAD Committee refers Union City Premier to the Board of Directors for review and to determine whether to place Union City Premier on probation or to review Union City Premier's membership in NorCal Premier. As the PAD Committee has clear video of the incident and it is clear that Diego Ramos, #5 of Union City Premier, punched an AFC player after the foul was committed. As the video was clear and the referee reported the incident, Diego Ramos is suspended 6 games - 2 games for violent conduct, 2 games for striking the opponent in the head, 2 games for the severity of the action.