NorCal Incident Reporting


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Type of Incident:Ética
Date of Incident:2019-09-21
Time of Incident:02:50:00
Location of Incident:Hanford California
Home Team:Kings County soccer club
Visiting Team:Merced United FC
Age Group and Gender:U19B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Merced United FC
Incident Summary:The DOC of Kings County was serving as a Field Marshal and recording the Modesto team as they were using profanity. Eventually an altercation between the Modesto coach and field marshal ensued where the Modesto coach attempted to take the field marshal's phone from him.
Comments:The coach of the Modesto team, Salvador Severino, is suspended 4 games for having a physical altercation with the Kings County Field Marshal and attempting to take the phone from the Kings County Field Marshal. The PAD Committee recommends that if Kings County is going to use a field marshal, that the vehicle and the individual serving as field marshal be obviously designated as such.