NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Injury
Date of Incident:2017-09-17
Time of Incident:01:30:00
Location of Incident:Crestview Park
Home Team:San Carlos SC Impact 03G Blue
Visiting Team:Santa Clara Sporting 03G White
Age Group and Gender:U15G
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Santa Clara Sporting 03G White
Incident Summary:Player was struck in the head by the ball and a head injury suspected. The referee told the coach the player could not return to the match. The coach attempted to return the player to the match and the referee abandoned the game.
Comments:Pursuant to US Soccer guidelines, if a referee deems the player to have suffered a possible head injury the player may not return to the game unless cleared by a qualified medical professional identified to the referees before the match.