NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Other — Do not use if a team, player, coach, or spectator is involved. Use only if the incident cannot be classified as any other Type of Incident above.
Date of Incident:2014-01-25
Time of Incident:12:00:00
Location of Incident:Woodward Park #08
Home Team:
Visiting Team:
Age Group and Gender:U16B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:
Incident Summary:Complaint Regarding an NPL transfer
Comments:Per rule 3.1 (In Season Transfer) – Once a transfer request is submitted (and if the transfer request is not approved by the club the player is leaving), a player must sit out 5 games before being eligible to play for the new team. Monarcas is not liable here for two reasons. First, the transfer request was received and approved by the NPL Coordinator. Second, the player sat out 5 games of the Monarcas season from the time the transfer request was submitted to the NPL Coordinator. All game results will stand as is.

As for the poaching allegation, there is not sufficient evidence to warrant action at this time. If additional evidence is presented, the NorCal PAD Committee will address it.