NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2024-10-02
Time of Incident:18:30:00
Location of Incident:Pinewood Park (Milpitas, CA)
Home Team:Milpitas YSL FC Milpitas Panthers 13
Visiting Team:Legends FC Norcal 13b elite
Age Group and Gender:U12B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Legends FC Norcal 13b elite
Incident Summary:Allegation that a Milpitas player was recruited by Legends. It is alleged that on September 15, Legends recruited the player. The player began playing for Legends while still registered to Milpitas. Legends attempted to contact Milpitas to secure the player's release. Eventually LEgends contact USClub and secured the player's release.
Comments:There is a glitch in the USClub system which allows players to be registered with multiple clubs if the name is slightly altered such as by including a middle name. It is however, a violation of NorCal rules, for a player to be registered for 1 club and train and/ or play for another.
In general, sanctions imposed for violations of NorCal Recruiting rules are imposed on the coach of the team that recruited the player when the actions of the coach can be identified. In this situation, the coach of the team is responsible for insuring the Recruiting rules are followed. The coach of the Legends team, Carlos Perez is suspended 1 game for violaitng the Recruiting rules.
There is no evidence that Emmanuel Dimithe violated any NorCal rule.