NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Other — Do not use if a team, player, coach, or spectator is involved. Use only if the incident cannot be classified as any other Type of Incident above.
Date of Incident:2023-11-11
Time of Incident:10:35:00
Location of Incident:Hercules High School
Home Team:FCA 10B Blue
Visiting Team:CCYSC
Age Group and Gender:U14B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:CCYSC
Incident Summary:A corner kick was called a goal by a properly positioned AR. The coach disputed the call and was sent off. The coach then pulled his team off the field. After the termination of the match, the coach continued arguing the call and several spectators argued the call as well.
Comments:The send-off of the coach was handled by suspension 10785. The coach Jesus Tapia is suspended 2 additional games for failing to control his team's spectators. It is always unacceptable for spectators to approach any match official on the field. In addition, it is not accepted for any individual (whether minor or adult) to be in the Technical Area without a valid USClub Soccer pass.