NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Sportsmanship — May be used if a team, player, coach, or spectator is involved.
Date of Incident:2025-01-18
Time of Incident:10:00:00
Location of Incident:Worth Shaw Community Park (WSP) - F1
Home Team:Oakley Youth Soccer Club OYSC Black Pearl United 09G
Visiting Team:Pacific Futbol Club Tigers 10G
Age Group and Gender:U09G
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Pacific Futbol Club Tigers 10G
Incident Summary:Oakley claims that the Pacific coach and spectators made inappropriate comments to the Oakley players during the game. Oakley brought to the attention of on of the ARs during the match, but the Center Referee was not made aware until after the match.
Pacific denies all claims.
Comments:As the referee did not take any action during the game, the PAD Committee is unable to find a violation here. Both teams are reminded to act, and have their spectators act, in a sportsmanlike manner.