NorCal Incident Reporting


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Type of Incident:Conducta Deportiva — Puede ser usado cuando un equipo, jugador, técnico o espectador está involucrado.
Date of Incident:2024-03-16
Time of Incident:10:40:00
Location of Incident:Technical area of BSC Complex (Burlingame, CA) South
Home Team:Burlingame 13B Blue
Visiting Team:Palo Alto 13B Blue
Age Group and Gender:U11B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Burlingame 13B Blue
Incident Summary:Allegation that after the game a spectator made a negative coach about the officiating.
Comments:No action is taken. The PAD Committee reminds Burlingame that its spectators and coaches should act in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.