NorCal Incident Reporting


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Type of Incident:Conducta Deportiva — Puede ser usado cuando un equipo, jugador, técnico o espectador está involucrado.
Date of Incident:2024-04-13
Time of Incident:11:45:00
Location of Incident:Horse Creek Fields, Vacaville, Field D
Home Team:VUSC
Visiting Team:Stockton
Age Group and Gender:U16B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:VUSC
Incident Summary:After the match, a racially disparaging remark was made by a Vacaville player to a Soccer for Kids player. This led to Soccer for Kids' player chasing the Vacaville player which led to a mass confrontation. Spectators from both sides entered the field and at least some spectators made physical contact with minor players.
Comments:Vacaville player Diego Navarro Nieto was suspended 3 games for directing a racial slur at an opponent. Diego Navarro Nieto is suspended an additional 2 games for instigating a mass confrontation.
Wyatt Wilson was suspended and should not have had any role in any part of the match. For entering the mass confrontation, he is suspended an additional 2 games for contributing to the mass confrontation.
Coach Bobby Underwood of Vacaville is suspended 4 games - 2 for failing to control his team's players and 2 for failing to control his team's spectators. Coach Noe Perez of Soccer for Kids is suspended 4 games - 2 for failing to control his team's players and 2 for failing to control his team's spectators.