NorCal Incident Reporting


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Type of Incident:Conducta Deportiva — Puede ser usado cuando un equipo, jugador, técnico o espectador está involucrado.
Date of Incident:2024-04-12
Time of Incident:19:55:00
Location of Incident:Mary Grogan
Home Team:Ajax United
Visiting Team:Stockton tlj
Age Group and Gender:U12B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Ajax United
Incident Summary:Allegation that an Ajax United spectator threatened an AR.
Comments:There is insufficient evidence for the PAD Committee to act. For the PAD Committee to take action, more detail needs to be provided such as who made the threat, when was the threat made, what was the reaction during the game - i.e., was the individual who made th threat ejected?