NorCal Incident Reporting


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Type of Incident:Conducta Deportiva — Puede ser usado cuando un equipo, jugador, técnico o espectador está involucrado.
Date of Incident:2024-11-10
Time of Incident:09:30:00
Location of Incident:Mistlin Soccer Complex
Home Team:
Visiting Team:Clovis Crossfire 13B Grey
Age Group and Gender:U12B
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Clovis Crossfire 13B Grey
Incident Summary:Allegation that Clovis Crossfire attempted to use 3 illegal players in a State Cup game. The players were found during check-in to not know their last names or birthdate.
Comments:This is an attempt by Clovis Crossfire to play 3 illegal players. Clovis Crossfire is fined $500 for attempting to use illegal players. The coach of the Clovis Crossfire team, Luis Naranjo, is suspended from all NorCal competitions through November 20, 2025.