NorCal Incident Reporting



Type of Incident:Ethics
Date of Incident:2023-05-06
Time of Incident:17:00:00
Location of Incident:Email sent to all our ODP boys players
Visiting Team:AFC
Age Group and Gender:Unsure
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:BUSC DIRECTOR OF COACHING, MLSNEXT
Incident Summary:Allegation that Ballistic (a) contacted AFC registered players to encourage them to tryout for Ballistic's MLS Next program and (b) conducted tryouts outside of the NorCal tryout window.
Allegation that Ballistic illegally obtained players' personal contact information.
Comments:The PAD Committee finds that (1) Ballistic violated the NorCal recruiting rules by sending email to players registered to other NorCal clubs asking them to attend a Ballistic ID event and (2) Ballistic violated the NorCal tryout window by holding an ID event for 2006 players outside of the NorCal tryout window for 2006 players.
The PAD Committee does not address whether any laws were broken by how Ballistic obtained player's contact information.
The PAD Committee refers this matter to the Board of Directors to determine appropriate sanctions.