NorCal Referees



Type of Incident:Conducta Deportiva — Puede ser usado cuando un equipo, jugador, técnico o espectador está involucrado.
Número de Partido:7380
Date of Incident:2021-11-14
Time of Incident:05:00:00
Location of Incident:Bleachers on PITCH
Home Team:Wolfpack 09
Visiting Team:Fusion Spectator
Age Group and Gender:U13G
Team Affiliation of Individual Committing Incident:Fusion Spectator
Incident Summary:A livermore spectator allegedly made inappropriate comments. The referee spoke to the Livermore coach, the Livermore coach spoke the spectator and nothing further transpired.
Comments:No action taken. Livermore is reminded that they are responsible for their spectators and the spectators need to act in a sportsmanlike manner.